Annual General Meeting

Have your say on who leads ABACUS into the year ahead.

Have you enjoyed the year of ABACUS just gone? Think you know how to make it even better? Come along to our Annual General Meeting to run to be on the committee for the coming year, or just to vote for which of your fellow students will make the best committee members.



Hear about the successes of the year just gone, and vote in who you think will do a good job of leading ABACUS for the year ahead, or maybe even run yourself.



Queens Building Lecture Theatre, Emmanuel College Cambridge



14:00- Sunday 4th March



To run:

(0. Make sure you’re a life member, if not, get your membership here)

1. Pick a role (Role descriptions here ) – Note: if you run for President you should pick a backup role, which you can run for in the event your Presidential campaign is unsuccessful

2. Write a manifesto (Check out manifestos from previous years here )

3. Get your application proposed and seconded by two life members (get them to sign a copy of your manifesto – each life member may only propose or second one candidate – scanned signatures are acceptable)

4. Submit your manifesto to Oliver Black (or Chloe Huang), by 11:59 pm Thursday 1st March

5. Come along to the AGM with your friends, and tell people why they should vote for you


To vote:

Either come along to the AGM in person,

Or designate a proxy to vote on your behalf (you may only vote in the presidential election by proxy), they must fill out the following form and email it from their Cambridge email address to


The process:


– Each candidate gives an up to 4 minute speech

– The outgoing committee asks questions to all of the candidates

– Voting will take place by instant runoff (including proxy votes), and a president will be elected

Executive Committee:

– Each candidate (including unsuccessful Presidential candidates running for their back up position) will give speeches and be asked questions

– Each voter will select the 6 candidates they feel are most suitable (regardless of the position they ran for), and the 6 with the most votes will be elected

– If two candidates who applied for the same position are elected the candidate with the highest number of votes gets the position. Candidates who didn’t get their chosen position may choose from the remaining positions in order of votes received. After the candidates have been elected, they are welcome to amicably swap positions

For more details, please take a look at the constitution.

Any questions, get in touch with our Facebook page, with a member of our committee, email us at, or for more contact information click here.

Facebook event